Dayarathna Miyuru

MEXARC : smart client software architectures for presentation applications, 2010

菅原 友理


Suggestion of the viewpoint intelligence environment of the person in the image, 2013

塚原 康仁


Realizing acquisition and visualization of hosts in global computing environment, 2011

仲倉 利浩

OurTV! : 次世代テレビプラットホームの設計と構築  

Design and construction of “OurTV!” appliances platform, 2011

西尾 淳志


Creating contents management environment for social media, 2011

根本 貴弘


Evaluation of proposal for real-time information sharing communication system for amateur racing event , 2011

村瀬 結衣

OurTV! : デジタルリビングにおけるテレビのコミュニケーションデザイン  

OurTV! : Communication design for living room’s TV, 2011

相島 雅樹


Realizing human resource management environment for cooperative work, 2012

太田 裕子


Realization of user interface for aging people on an online shopping service, 2012

竹内 冠太

BufferMan: 遠隔での課題発見型協調作業を支援するテキストチャットシステム

BufferMan: Text chat system for agenda finding collaborative work in remote, 2012

寺﨑 まどか

EatNavi: A taste-centric social food application using an icon indexing system, 2012

Deng Jie

EATnavi : ライフコンテンツを共有するプラットフォームの構築

EATnavi Social media for life contents communications Services, 2012

内田 萌友


Proposal of a sound-based real-time life log, 2013

許 又双


The construction of a new information sharing system that specializes in the cooperation supporting information between network and the real space, 2013

高田 広平


Proposal of location based bulletin board system utilizing participation promotion function, 2013

陳 奕親

shoutoeat : WANTSを登録する目的志向型ライフログの提案  

shoutoeat: a proposal for a purpose-oriented lifelog by WANTS Method, 2013

志賀 真理子


Development of a scheduler based on the activity history accumulated in the network, 2013

王 東宇

Design and implementation of user-centered home appliance controlling service environment, 2014

虞 謝静

Customized recommendation for business logistics-objective oriented recommendation mechanism, 2014

Salcedo Nahuel Matias

CITIUS: design and implementation of a context aware digital signage infrastructure for the public transport, 2014

萧 若薇

Relative location oriented social network, 2014

Tantomo Andrew G.

Creation of product information sharing platform using user generated content database, 2014

飯田 光


Utilyzing flash marketing for recreational services, 2015

角間 実


Realization an activity type information sharing platform in a community, 2015

作田 耀子


Implementation and evaluation of COSUE: Cosplay support environment, 2015

服部 大


Development of Continuous Signage Network “COSINE”, 2015

堀篭 宏章


Proposal to re-design the area logistics environment of parcel delivery service, 2015

Gavrilova Tzvetelina

Social Stories: Engaging Video Content for Social Enterprise Audiences in Social Media, 2015

Angelia Stefanie

Tata-N-Taro Adventure: Encouraging Collaboration Between Preschool Children Through Motion Capture Game in Remote Environment, 2015

Martin Taylor

Design and Implementation of the Surreal Interactive Movie Environment SIME, 2015

李 イクン

Design and Implementation of Interactive Visual Contents Using Automatic Door, 2015

劉 純

EVAP: Subjective Evaluation Platform for Amateur Promotion Video Producers, 2015

入江 晋太朗

OTOTOCI: 無線機を活用した店の生活音可聴化の実現

OTOTOCI: realizing auralization of stores’ living sound using radio receiver and transmitter, 2016

楠 大史


Promotional effectiveness of high frame rate video, 2016

Yazid Muhammad Ghufron

Designing a modest sportswear to provide comfort in daily sports activities for Muslim women wearing hijab, 2017

廖 珍珍


Proposal for distribution the Japanese voluntary comic to China, 2016

Wang Ziyi

MyMory: a service platform to improve the amateur photography business, 2016

Salikova Alisa

“FitHub” a service design to encourage physical activity through branded incentives, 2016

Leonardi Cristiano

THE EMPYRIAN: vision files for a virtual reality music platform, 2017

今井 璃紗

Audiovisual content creation and evaluation to support exercising activities at home for the elderly, 2017

AlRashdi Rahma Ahmed Ali Nasser

Design and implementation of “HOT” history of things, 2017

高島 瑛彦

フレームを用いたインタラクティブパノラマ映画システム”Frame-Immersive Film”における臨場感体験の実現

Creating a sense of presence in interactive panoramic movie system “Frame-Immersive Film” by using the frame, 2017

中村 佳正


Designing memory-type route guide system for walkers, 2018

林 岳

Effectiveness of time-lapse photography for an apparel brand promotion, 2017

洪 羽宣

Cosmatch : 台湾におけるコスプレイヤーとカメラマンとの繋がりを生み出すマッチングサービスの提案

Cosmatch: proposal on the matching service that promotes connections between cosplayers and photographers in Taiwan, 2017

Adita Gina Fitria

Folding fan-exploration of creativity in an interactive multimedia environment using body extension, 2017

Kusmareza Adim, Adrio  

Wikiba literacy sharing: an educational program for novice light novel authors in Indonesia, 2018

Costa Giorgio

Designing framework for human-autonomous vehicle interaction, 2017

Julsaksrisakul Pafan

It-pet: interactive therapeutic pet device for remote replication of an animal, 2017

陳 夏陽

A cinematization scheme for revitalizing cantonese opera by adapting existing and innovative filmmaking methodologies, 2017

Hansarikit Sarunya

HELPME!: language help and exchange platform for everyone talking to everyone, 2017

蘇 晗

Design of web animation tool based on HTML5-WATON, 2018

宋 杰


Realization of AR simulated experience service for Kigurumi using face recognition, 2018

吉岡 大輔


Research on collaboration between creators and players in Kigurumi, 2018

朱 雨峦

The Maze Game: the application of non-verbal communication in enhancing game experience for cooperative online game, 2018

趙 家寧 

Tangible apps necklace: design modular neck-worn digital jewelry for augmenting interpersonal communication, 2018

Chokpitiboon Pirasa

HappiHatch: virtual pet for real world interaction encouragement, 2018

Tsatsara Athanasia

Towards adaptive game design: personalization based on player behavior, 2018

Humaira Fadhila Zahra

Exploration game utilizing Yurukyara (local mascot) to promote local travel destination for young adults foreign travelers, 2018

Bektachi Zineb

SAUDADE: reviving travel experiences through sound to evoke positive emotions, 2018

Levantino Valeria

BAO-ME: design of a huggable device to improve mental well-being through haptic interactions, 2018

Romera Sanchez Ana Yunuen  

Flair: towards a therapeutic serious game for social anxiety disorder, 2018

高荷 隆文

Our TV : テレビと携帯端末を利用したテレビを楽しくするインタフェースデザイン

Our TV: designing interface for the new TV life with TV set and mobile phone, 2010

高橋 勇人

アジア地域研究におけるラーニング・コミュニティの構築と知のポータルの創造 : workshop 2009 Asia 100の実践から

Constructing a learning community and creating a portal of the wisdom in Asian studies: from the practice of workshop 2009 Asia 100, 2010

檀上 誠


Designing avatar in virtual space, 2010

小田 勝久

次世代デジタルサイネージモデルの構築 : メディアへの拡大要因の分析と提案

Construction of the next generations’ digital signage model: a research on the growth factor of digital signage to be the mass media, 2010

加藤 浩

フラヌール : デジタル透視望遠鏡 : 商店街と地域社会の活性化を支援するインタラクティブ広告メディアのデザイン

Flaneur: digital see-through telescope : a design of interactive advertisement stimulates shopping districts and local communities, 2010

北川 尚宏


Reinvigorate local community by local television, 2010

喜安 伸


Development and verification of a political campaign system on the internet, 2010

井辺 拓男

Sentio+ : 都市における街歩きを楽しくするジオソーシャルサービスのデザイン

Design of Sentio+: a geo-social service which makes users enjoy the walking in a city, 2010

大津 倫子


An analysis on the behavior of working adults addicted to online games, 2010

翁 姫雅


Design and verification of AR markers based on paper-cutting, 2011

朱 景華

MyMagazine : 顔に着目したデジタル雑誌のパーソナライズ

MyMagazine : The personalization of digital magazines by using faces, 2011

張 暁航

日中コンテンツ産業の架け橋 : リアルビジネス経験に基づいて問題点の分析および新しいビジネスプランの提出

To bridge the content industries in Japan and China: analyze the problems through the real business and innovative new business plans, 2011

廣井 慧


Disaster information management systems on a common platform for smooth collaboration of communities, 2011

根岸 義晴


SocialMedia and citizen’s campaign, 2011

韓 奭柱

電子書籍市場のマルチプラットフォームの構築に対する研究 : AMIO(All Media In One) プロジェクトを中心に

A study on building a multi platform for e-book market: focusing on AMIO(All Media In One) project, 2011

馬 佳妮


Enhancing art awareness and appreciation with comment sharing through networked digital signage, 2011

林 雅涵

イマジナリー・コンパニオンの具現化 : エモーショナル・デザインを通して  

Make an imaginary companion: through emotional design, 2011

呉 欣蓉

Design an effective workshop for children: employ drama techniques in kids workshop: using Wonderland Kids Workshop as an example, 2011

張 菁容

Branding the dream: develop cultural strategy for one at global stage, 2011

荒川 裕紀


KUMA: manageable and standardized digital signage system, 2012

伊藤 星輝

『体験型音楽LIVEの開拓』 : 様々なライブによる試行実験  

“Exploitation of the experienced type music live”: the trial experiment by various live, 2012

川名 宏和

dotanco: 印面形状を電子制御可能なスタンプデバイス

dotanco: A stamp device with a computer controlled stamp pattern, 2012

佐々木 貴広

デジタルサイネージとモバイル連携: 企業間連携の取り組みと推進

Digital signage linked with mobile devices: business to business interactions and management, 2012

神崎 崇

APPOGGIO: 場の状況に応じてパーティーを演出するグラスのデザイン

APPOGGIO: A design of an interactive glass directing party time based on the situation, 2012

佐山 明裕

Scribbler: On demand fabrication of personal artifacts in daily life, 2012

杉本 健一

Multi-user sound perfume system, 2012

田中 秀和


Food texture perception control system by chewing detection and cross-modal illusion between haptic and hearing, 2012

Harupuka Veronika

Food media: enhancing food experiences through technology, 2012

Bonnici Joan

EdoCeleste: a music promotion portal designed to market the Japanese Visual-Kei genre, over the Internet, through viral and cross-promotion techniques, for a maximum promotional potential of the bands involved, 2012

上杉 類 


Proposal for the establishment of a third-party organization for the utilization of personal data on Internet, 2013

神谷 将吾

Sound Zoo Passage: ショッピングモールの来客者を音で店舗へと誘う通路のデザイン

Sound Zoo Passage: design the passage tempting shoppers by sounds in shopping center, 2013

柴﨑 美奈


Designing interactive museum experience that accounts for screen, human and environment relationship, 2013

新谷 有幹

Sheets of Sounds: デジタル音楽教則本のデザイン

Sheets of Sounds: design of digital music texts, 2013

竹内 祐太


Study on creation and sharing of tactile content, 2013

張 文静

Colabo: a tool for collaborative documentary filmmaking, 2013

Almahr Ali

Re-imaging the UI for metadata entry & media production, 2013

McLemore Wayne

Condition-based geolocation distribution for user-generated contents, 2013

亀山 泰夫


Characteristic analysis of anime business and one suggestion for its problem solution, 2014

Tag Benjamin

Enhancing professional motion pictures with user generated contents. Poligatari: a new platform for the involvement of amateurs in professional documentary productions, 2014

田中 亮達


Design and development of tourist information media connecting train infrastructures and regional resources, 2014

張 衍義


Embodied appreciation of cultural properties through virtual reality technologies, 2014

辻畑 優佳子


Recommendation systems for live discussion channels “Kamaboko-Chan”, 2014

戸田 光紀

Graffiti Fur: 被毛を有する布表面の逆毛による模様の描画手法に関する研究

Graffiti Fur: drawing patterns on fuzzing rugs by rubbing fibers on the surface, 2014

水野 将伍

コミュニティ拡大による新しい世界的音楽展開モデルの検証と提案 : 世界中のファンを結びつける”場”のデザイン : make a our psychommunity

Inspection and suggestion of a model to spread out new worldwide music throughout the community design a place to connect music fans all over the world : make a our psychommunity, 2014

Low Suzanne D’Bel Khin Su

Cuddly: enchant your soft object with a mobile phone, 2014

渡島 健太

Choreohaptics : 身体表現の創発支援を目的としたウェアラブルな触覚伝送システムの提案

Choreohaptics: a wearable haptic transmission system for supporting the choreographic creation, 2014

増田 一之

IoTベンチャー創業の実践 : IoTプロダクトのプロトタイピングと顧客開拓の事例

IoT start-up: prototyping and customer developing of IoT products, 2015

鄒 琰

ODATE GAME: character design and modelling for Japanese modesty culture based independent video game, 2015

曾 傑朗

Rhythm Satellite: design of a game to change morning wake-up behavior, 2015

伊東 広太郎


Design Tohoku-Shinsekai for rebuild the community on cyber networks, 2015

稲田 卓

UG-TV : コミュニティ形成指向型UGCプラットフォームの提案

“UG-TV”: a UGC platform for creating communities, 2015

宇賀神 裕太郎 


Verifying and proposing in regularly povided videos that transmission information in English by a Japanese lolita fashion user aiming to conquer the world by lolita fashion, 2015

庄司 有希


A promotion for Japanese girls idol groups based on good relationship between new fans and core fans, 2015

劉 通

A Rewards-Based Crowdfunding Platform for Chinese Doujin Fans and Doujin Creators, 2015

太田 拓磨

無縁社会と仏教 : 仏教の新しいアプローチ

The society without connections : the new approaches of Buddhism, 2016

曹 詩源

Memosong: a music website which retrieves individual’s memories through music and stories, 2016

土居 真也


The experience of realization of the love game, 2016

中村 芳弘 : クラシック音楽初心者にもコンサートの魅力が伝わるコンサート情報サービスの提案 proposal of a service to tell the attraction of the concert to the classical music beginners, 2016

早川 未央


About a new advertisement strategy of the aged society, 2016

引場 大地

LOLLY : 笑いを増長させるお笑い動画プレイヤーのデザイン

Design of the LOLLY: comedy video online player that enhances a “laugh” of viewer, 2016

箕輪 龍太 *学費未納のため修了保留


The design proposal to skill transfer of cooking with the recipe service installed E-commerce facilities, 2016

虫明 奈緒


Event design for spreading digital children’s book, 2016

伊藤 脩


Proposal of platform that enhances value of digital signage, 2017

福岡 正彬


New urban planning method using driverless car, 2017

木村 有梨


Method of sports creation which is suitable for “Gotouchi superhuman sports”, 2017

朱 薏璋


Design of Chinese market-oriented publicity means for Japanese pop dance by idolization, 2017

川島 陽悠


Design of the game walking about town that provide virtual dating experience using audio interaction, 2018

徐 心

SEATEC: a vacancy monitor system for a small restaurant, 2018

邵 トウ暉


The influence of motion sensation by visual effect accompanying body movement, 2018

彭 煒

Exploring thermal perception on body extremities, 2018